Features / Video Research

Video Research Tool

Just insert any keyword and generate all the videos on YouTube related to that keyword which you can then filter down to find amazing ideas in your niche for your channel.

You can also sort by views and filter by date range and more!

Let Me Show You How It Works…

Input a Keyword

Put in a video title and include anything else you'd like to see in the script.

Then simply select the number of words you'd like your script to be. We will show you an estimate of how long your video will be.

Then click generate and your optimized script will be written in a matter of seconds using the power of AI.

Use Filters

We also have templates for how to scripts, script outlines, shorts scripts, and more.

These work in a similar way, but we will format the output differently.

For shorts scripts they will be under 60 seconds long for example and for outline scrpts, you will get the bullet points in your desired length.

Join TubeMagic

Get more subscribers and views on YouTube using TubeMagic's suite of state-of-the-art AI tools. We will help you find the right topics, write the right scripts, and optimize your videos correctly.

Starting from just $47/mo.
Get started